How to create word bubbles with GIMP
and KINO
I created a transparent layer called “text”
Select this layer and type your words
Now select the “bubbles” layer. Make sure it is under the “text” layer
Then select the circle ellipse tool to create the word bubble
Make sure to select the “Add to current selection” box. This allows several circles to join to each other
Next we need to point the bubble to who is talking. In this panel it is the girl. Select the “paths tool” and create the point.
Hold down the shift key while clicking “Selection from path” button. This will join the point to the bubble
Now we need to fill the bubble with color.
Right click > Edit > Fill with BG color
I chose white for the BG color
I want a black outline of my bubble.
Right click, Edit > stroke selection
This will pop up a box, you can choose the line width
Now you are done! Of course there are several ways to do this
I prefer this way because it is fast for me.