It is now very easy to add a link list to a Blogger beta blog. Just sign into Dashboard, in the relevant blog, click LAYOUT and you will be taken to the Layout page, where you will see “Add a page Element” in the sidebar section. Click on the “Add a Page Element” (See screenshot below. Click to enlarger):
Blogger beta Layout
After you click on “Add a Page Element, a pop-up will appear where you will be given a few choices of what you want to add. In the “Link List” choice, click “Add to blog” and the pop-up for configuring the link list is displayed (see screenshot. Click to enlarge):
Blogger Beta: Configure Link List
There are four fields for you to add and 1 drop-down menu. Fill in the title, for example, Blogger Resources. It is best to leave the “no of links to show in link list” blank so you don’t have to worry about how many links you can add (no maximum). Add in the site URL and then fill in the site name (title or description). Then click “ADD LINK”. The site name/title/description should appear below the “New Site Name” field. If you have somemore links to add, repeat the process untill you have all the links added.
When you are done, click “Save changes” and when it is successfully added, a new page element will be added to your Layout, normally at the top of the widget/page element list in the sidebar. If that is where you want it, then you are done. If not, drag and drop the new page element to where you want it, and press “Save”.